Madjandji Country Based Plan

The Madjandji country-based plan gives MAC the opportunity to tell the Madjandji story and to be a catalyst for supporting culture, addressing concerns, and achieving aspirations.

MAC has commenced and will continue to…

  • 01.

    Seek new information to clarify values of country, utilising cultural and historical knowledge and traditions as well as contemporary scientific information and practices.

  • 02.

    Decide which information should be made available publicly and which should remain confidential.

  • 03.

    Consider the implications of legal tenure and native title issues that may impact on the protection and management of our cultural and natural values.

  • 04.

    Assess the good and bad impacts of existing or new developments or management actions on country and put strategies and actions in place to protect and manage values of country.

  • 05.

    Identify potential partnerships and strengthen existing ones with other Indigenous groups, government agencies, research institutions, NRM groups and commercial enterprises to implement proposed strategies and action.

  • 06.

    Effectively communicate our values, history, concerns, aspirations, and capacity to our partners, our people, the broader community, government agencies and other stakeholders

Tracking our objectives, reaching our aspirations, and broadening our vision.

Actions updated July 2023.

  • Habitat management & restoration

    Funding received from Great Barrier Reef Foundation, Dept of Environment & Science. Terrain, Greening Australia & Highways & Byways have enabled Madjaybana Rangers to deliver projects to revegetate degraded farmland, remove pest plants, repair riparian vegetation, strengthen wildlife corridors & enhance coastal littoral rainforest.


    Looking after Country. delivered 2021

    Looking after all Madjandji Waters. Acquittal pending.

    Madjaybana Healing Country. Acquittal pending.

    Madjandji Healing Waters. In delivery.

    Rainforest Recovery. Management report prepared. End 2023

    Reef Assist. Ongoing re-veg in lower Mulgrave catchment.

    Mangrove Watch. Annual monitoring with CAFNEC.

    Looking after Woolanmaroo. Awaiting funding notification

  • Reviving and relearning the Majay language.

    DATSIP has funded 2 X language revival projects.

    - MAC has published an illustrated booklet and poster of traditional Minya & Mayi words and conducted language workshops for school students.

    - A project, to relearn, re-build and revive Majay ancestral language, and create a quality online audio-visual language learning resource, language teaching artworks, kits & resources for the future.

    Cultural Mapping of significant sites.

    Madjaybana Rangers, Elders and Madjandji members and friends have met, plotted, and mapped Cultural sites. (Photographic records, documents, and GPS plots identify the significant sites) WTMA, Cairns Regional Council and Dept of Environ & Sc. have funded these projects.

    Truth Telling

    DATSIP have funded planning meetings, and studio recording sessions to document Madjandji Truth Telling. Elders have chosen to recall life in the Deeral Village in our “Celebrating Life in the Village” project. Project release- Sept. 2023.

    Re-find & re-mark traditional walking tracks.

    Funding from DES has enabled Madjaybana Rangers to re-find & plot ancestral walking tracks in Woolanmaroo. A management report is being prepared.


    Annual celebrations have focused on sharing our Cultural knowledge with the broader community, through the delivery of events at the local school.

  • Decision making.

    Our highly respected Elders steering committee and board of directors play a pivotal role informing Corporation decisions. Highly qualified partners from Gov. bodies & NRM organisations offer technical support with project planning and delivery when needed.

    Madjandji representatives on boards.

    MAC directors informs the Cairns Water Security stage 1 in developing the Cultural Heritage Management Plan.

    Madjandji teachers.

    MAC is co-planning & co-delivering the Local Mangrove Program as part of the state school curriculum.

  • Grant officer and technical support team.

    Qualified staff liaise with partners, arrange planning meetings and prepare grant applications for continued funding.

    Currently applications are under review with CRC and DES for funding to carry our habitat restoration on unmanaged Council reserves and track maintenance in Native Title areas within the world heritage Wooroonooran National Park.

  • Working Collaboratively with interested parties.

    Mulgrave Landcare, Greening Australia, GBRF, Farmacist, WTMA, QPWSP, DoR, DES, Terrain, Reef & Rainforest Research Centre, JCU Trop water & Herbarium, CSIRO, Birdlife Australia, CAFNEC, Cairns Regional Council, NQLC and Mulgrave Parliament have all offered support and endorsement for projects.

    MoU in place with QPWS.

    Partners meetings.

    MAC hold well attended informative meetings quarterly to update partners.

    Working with landholders.

    Madjaybana Rangers have delivered projects on private property to restore vegetation along water courses, and repair degraded land.

    Working with institutions.

    MAC has collaborated with the local museum and local school in the preparation and production of Culturally appropriate resources.

  • MYOB

    Admin officer received qualifications


    Madjaybana Rangers commenced course with Jenagar 2023

    Cultural Fire management

    Madjaybana Rangers received accreditation in Fireground Leadership & Training. 17/06/2022

    Snake handling and awareness

    Madjaybana Rangers received training funded by Greening Aust. 2023

    Croc awareness

    Madjaybana Rangers received in- kind training from Wildlife and Threatened Species Operations, QPWSP. 2023

    Best practices for management animal and plant pests

    Madjaybana Rangers attended 2023 Terrain National Feral Pig forum.

    WTMA Yellow Crazy Ant eradication program commenced 2022.

    Best management practices to manage weeds in line with practices adopted by our partnering NRM bodies.

    Leadership training

    Madjaybana Rangers attended leadership symposium on Orpheus Is.

    Administration officer attended 2022 Deadly Women workshop.

    Language training

    Directors, Elders, and members attended a series of language workshops in 2021 conducted by North Queensland Regional Aboriginal Corporation Language Centre.

    Water monitoring

    Madjaybana Rangers received training in 2022 from Dept. of Environ & Sc, and NRM partners to collect, process and preserve water samples. Sampling is ongoing as part of the Traditional Owner Healthy Water Project, funded by Great Barrier Reef Foundation.

    Public speaking

    Madjaybana rangers have addressed audience at Great Barrier Reef Water Quality Symposium, Russell-Mulgrave water quality workshops, conducted excursions for Greening Australia & UNESCO delegates visiting project sites, and delivered partners update meetings